Nokia Grafitti Me




The Nokia Flagship store in Helsinki was to be closed for refurbishment.
Building works necessitated hoardings around the store several weeks. Nokia were keen to use this as an opportunity to create interest and anticipation, whilst suggesting the store would be more experiential upon its re-opening.


Concepts and ‘experiences’ that included the following – Hoardings with a large, impactful attract message and interactive experience to encourage ongoing engagement while the store was closed.

Graffiti Me – Hoardings are often seen as a blank canvas by grafitti artists so I took this idea and created a grafitti style image that incorporated a giant QR code. into the design. Passers by who used it were taken to a micro-site, that provided information about the new store and invited them to upload their own photos and turn them into their own ‘Banksy’ style grafitti art. A graffiti style image was used on the hoardings to promote this idea. It also encouraged them to revisit for weekly updates of what they could expect to find in-store on relaunch day and collected contact details enabling Nokia to remind them when the store was to re-open.

A second microsite was created for store staff to upload their own photos and turn them into ‘Banksy’ style graffiti art which could then be used to create personalised t-shirts to be worn instore upon reopening.

An Xbox Kinect ‘game’ that utilised ‘gestures’ to allow customers to create their own graffiti masterpieces instore in one of several experiential ‘zones’


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